Do you come in early? (Because you choose to)
Skip your lunch? (Because there is too much work to bother eating!)
Stay late or take on extra overtime shifts? (On the reg)

If this is you, then keep reading because this is dedicated to you and your work ethic! While a solid work ethic is appreciated and usually comes with earned promotions and pay raises, taking it too far can be seriously harmful. National Workaholics day is set in early July every year to remind us that there is a balance to work and home life. This year it was on July 5th. As this blog is coming out after that date…clearly this is not us.

Who is a workaholic? Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Feels the need to be busy all the time (hurry sickness)
  • Makes work the top priority (over family/friends/hobbies)
  • Performs tasks not required to do or are unnecessary for project completion (works more for the sake of working)
  • Trouble delegating or entrusting co-workers with tasks (no one else can do it like you can)
  • Struggles with organization due to taking on too much work at one time (when there are too many tasks, organization is a problem in itself)
  • Denies that they are a workaholic…

Why is this a problem?

Is it bad to come in early, prove your allegiance to your company, or take on extra work when needed?

The problem is when habits like this are amplified. If your life revolves around a sense of comfort, structure, and meaning when working, you might feel like you are wasting time or living without a purpose when you are NOT working.

A common myth: Workaholics love their jobs.

Workaholism can happen even when you don’t like the job itself. Feelings of helplessness or restlessness when not working as well as not allowing any free time to enjoy hobbies, family, or down time are common with workaholics.

Aside from negative health effects from overworking, it also doesn’t help the rest of one’s co-workers or teams to be resilient while they are gone. This results in micromanaging, delegating poorly, and not relying on team members.

So what is the difference between passion for work and a workaholic?

Workaholics are unhappy.

In a strange way, working long hours is a socially approved way to push down other problems in life. The purpose of working more is not because of a passion for the work itself, but to lessen negative thoughts or feelings that come when not working. It’s a great way to prevent thinking about things when immersed in work.

Could this be you?

While we don’t have any ideal ergonomics to help you out, we do know this:

  • Talk with co-workers and ask their opinion.
  • Start planning more activities with people you really care about.
  • Reach out for professional help.
  • Talk with your doctor about options.
  • Life is too short to spend the entirety of it working.