It’s time for the hap-hap-iest Christmas season – and Work Right wants to make sure you’re ready for an injury-free holiday. As you put the final touches on your decorations, we take a look at the Christmas classic, Christmas Vacation, to educate you on what not to do in your preparations.
With the holidays, so also comes a time of heightened preparation and expectation attached to the busy schedules surrounding us. How can we cope with so many friends’ and families’ emotions (much less our own)?
With the end of the year in sight, your holiday schedule likely has lots of get-togethers still to go even with Thanksgiving in the rear-view mirror. Prepare for these big celebrations and big meals by squeezing in a short post-meal walk. You might be surprised what a 2 minute walk can do for your health!
Apologies for the double send-out this morning. The original email had the correct content but last week’s subject line. Happy Thanksgiving from Work Right!
As you gather around a table filled with your favorite foods this week, keep some of these helping helpfuls in mind! You might be surprised by some of the health benefits.
This week’s topic for the Industrial Athlete focuses on another health issue in connection to Men’s Health Awareness Month. Back pain? These issues could be stemming from something you have on you at all times – your wallet!
Welcome to the newly named Industrial Athlete Digest! This is Work Right’s same weekly wellness and safety tips straight to your inbox, now with a different name.
With November in full swing, how many are participating in a No Shave November initiative? Did you know this campaign is meant to raise awareness about men’s health issues?
Did you survive the sugar rush of Halloween? Or are you sugar crashing hard in the middle of the week? Work Right tackles the topic to ask, “How much sugar is in your favorite candy?” Short answer – it’s a lot.
Work Right adds the purr-fect addition to the middle of your week with some tips on how to use your PREPARED knowledge to reduce the risk of injuries at home with your faithful feline companions.
We all know smoking is bad for our overall health. But how does it affect our risk for injury? And what can we do to prevent the risk?
We previously discussed how an industrial athlete can stay PREPARED with stretching during pregnancy, but what about after? Postpartum recovery and return to activity is not an easy process. Take a look at these tips to keep you set for success and injury-free.
Now that the calendar has changed to fall, the new season brings new activities. For many, hunting season has started or will be starting soon. Set yourself up for a safe adventure and a healthy return to work with these tips!
Let’s face it. We all could do with some improvements to our diet. You might be able to easily identify some good and bad food choices, but let’s dissect that a little further this week with some tips on processed and ultra-processed foods.
Work Right is back with a brand new edition in the Cost of Injury Series.
We round out the top five injured body parts with the foot. Make sure you read all the way through to find resources for the RIGHT fit for shoe insoles!
With some alarming statistics about the increased risk of suicide among industrial athletes, Work Right NW brings suicide prevention awareness to the forefront in this week’s newsletter. Find out what you can do to navigate this sensitive issue.
Work Right wants to pick your brain on concussion safety! A concussion can impact more than just your head. Do you know the signs and symptoms to look for?
It can’t be coincidence that National Dog Day occurs during National Wellness Month. So Work Right is bringing all the best canine-inspired wellness education to you this week.
It can’t be coincidence that National Dog Day occurs during National Wellness Month. So Work Right is bringing all the best canine-inspired wellness education to you this week.
As industrial athletes, we keep our bodies PREPARED to perform our job tasks. How does that change with pregnancy? With so many changes occurring over the course of 40 weeks, what can you do to stay PREPARED? Check out these stretches for all stages of pregnancy.
It’s all in the wrist this week from Work Right NW. Our Cost of Injury series continues with this frequently injured body part. In particular, check out prevention strategies associated with the very common carpal tunnel syndrome!
Do you know how to effectively manage a musculoskeletal issue that results in the best care for an industrial worker? This week’s newsletter breaks down questions to ask yourself if discomfort is affecting the way you perform your job and how the Work Right clinician is here to help!
Anyone tackling a move prior to the fall and a new school year? While packing and moving provides a new adventure with its own excitement, it also tends to be hard on your body. Save your back and check out some pointers to make your move a success!
How’s your balance? We’ve got a quick test for you in this week’s newsletter. It only takes 10 seconds! And of course we have some tips on how to improve your results.
Work Right NW has a new installment in The Cost of Injury series in this week’s newsletter. Check out this month’s spotlight on the knee and keep your body PREPARED to prevent injuries like these!
The dog days of summer are here! The risk of heat-related illness is especially high among the occupations of industrial athletes. Check out our latest newsletter on how to deal with heat stroke.
The countdown to your July 4th celebration has begun! Is your grilling station ready? Are you PREPARED to stay injury-free while cooking for your guests? Work Right’s Aaron Weidman takes us through potential hazards in this week’s newsletter.
Bzzz! With summer in full bloom, the bees are sure to bee about. Don’t wait to get stung before learning what you should and shouldn’t do with a bee sting. Check out all the buzz below!
At Work Right, our goal is to keep you working and prevent injuries. Last month we covered the costs associated with shoulder injuries. This month, we do the same with one of the most expensive types of body injuries in the workplace – the back.
Work Right NW works tirelessly to make sure you’re prepared to prevent ANY possible injury – and this includes dinosaur attacks! With dinosaurs headed back to theaters this week, take a look at some tips and tricks to stay safe in case you have the unfortunate luck of coming across one of these terrible lizards.
The American Society of Safety Professionals Annual Conference is just around the corner. To prepare, we sat down with one of the conference presenters – Work Right’s own, Nic Patee, to learn more.
Experienced an achy and stiff joint pain in your day-to-day activities? There are several types of arthritic inflammation and several other conditions that can be confused with arthritis. Take a look at some common types of arthritis and some differential diagnoses in this week’s newsletter.
With a little practice, anyone can learn to activate parts of their brain by using activities and strategies meant to change or regulate our state of being. In other words, we can learn how to control our brains for better mental health! Check out some recommendations from Work Right in this week’s newsletter.
These days, the world seems to find new ways to spark new worries or concerns on a daily basis. These challenges force us to make decisions and changes for ourselves and our families. It’s been exhausting on so many levels!
This feeling of constant, extreme change is called change fatigue. What does this feeling look like? And what can we do to change things up in a positive way?
At Work Right, our goal is to keep you working and prevent injuries. Aside from the inconveniences that come with shoulder pain, injuries are expensive! Let’s break down the expense of common shoulder injuries to give you some perspective.
Although a seizure can be alarming to see, you can do your part by familiarizing yourself with the warning signs and symptoms. Work Right is here to help give you the basics on seizures, what they look like, and what you can do to help prevent an injury during one.
Work Right NW likes to focus on the importance of ergonomics in the workplace, especially at workstations, tables, or desks. But, what about those who work with heavy machinery while sitting down? Check out some tips on ensuring good ergonomic practice while operating a forklift
Let’s face it. Sometimes our harshest critic is ourselves! Take a look at how you can take some simple steps to learn and practice self-compassion in your daily routine.
Sports hernias are pretty common in the sports population, but they are commonly found within the industrial setting as well. We’ll go over the definition of a sports hernia, what causes them, and how to prevent them.
Before March draws to a close, we’d be remiss to not highlight it has been National Caffeine Awareness month! What is it about this particular stimulant, and how can we use it to our advantage?
Work Right jumps into Spring as we celebrate Nutrition Awareness in this week’s newsletter. Check out a few quick and healthy recipes to fuel your workday and make a nutritious meal from home even easier!
How is everyone adjusting to the lost hour this past weekend from Daylight-Saving Time? Our bodies will adjust in the next few days, but are you setting yourself up for the best sleep success as you recover?
VACATION!!! It’s one of the things we look forward to most. For many on the eve of Spring Break, it’s a welcome sight not seen in a year or two. The last thing you need is an injury to set a trip spiraling. If you’re PREPARED, however, you can avoid this situation. Check out some tips to set yourself up for success.
How are the New Year’s Resolutions paying off as the calendar turns to March? Consistency is paramount in forming new habits and especially key for gym goals. Check out a few tips to set up new and advanced gym goers for long-term success
During the winter season no one likes to be cold and that’s why utilizing a good pre-activity warmup keeps us warm and gets us PREPARED!
Valentine’s Day is in the rearview mirror, but really the whole month is time to focus on your heart. February is American Heart Month! This week, we take time to recognize the indicators and variables of cardiovascular issues and a heart-healthy lifestyle.
As we approach the big football game this weekend, we’ve devised a checklist to get PREPARED for injury prevention – even if you’re just watching for the commercials and the halftime show! Make sure you are checking off each letter to ensure the event goes just right
The first part of the year is one of the busiest times of the year in a gym, and a busy gym can be intimidating! Try these tips to make your trip less overwhelming, more productive and eventually, a consistent part of your routine.
With New Year’s resolutions still taking effect to begin 2022, we take a look at a popular one – losing weight to become healthier. But what is a healthy weight? And should your weight really be the focus of your journey to better health?
Last week, we learned about diaphragmatic breathing. This week, we improve on that same theme to further relax, decrease stress and improve sleep with Progressive Muscular Relaxation. Big terms – but we promise the techniques are simple and the results are great!
Has the new year hit you with a hard dose of reality? Learn how to enhance your rest and recuperation through diaphragmatic breathing in this week’s newsletter