Lumbar Superstar (That Is What You Are)

Run away with us on a resourceful journey as we shift our focus to a workplace warrior often carrying the weight — the lower back! Just as a solid cornerstone supports towering achievements, a sturdy back is pivotal for a productive and pain-free workday. Work Right presents a treasure trove of resources tailored for your lumbar’s delight. Reach for the stars and kick those backaches to the curb. Your lower back deserves a superstar, and we’ve got your back — literally!
Back to Basics
These resources in particular may be a known quantity in your daily warm-ups or pre-shift exercises, but it’s nice to have everything all in one place when you need it. Whether there’s some stiffness in your low back region or you’re getting your body ready for action, practice these microstretch exercises frequently. Decrease the tension and prevent an injury!
Low Back Basic 5 Flyer | Low Back Daily 5 Video

No Time to Slouch
What does our own Digest archive have to say about your low back? Because of course we’ve got a back catalog for your archival pleasure! Check out these previous Industrial Athlete Digests on the topics of the Cost of Injury, how you can PREPARE your back when packing and moving, and how the simple placement of your wallet can work wonders on your lower back.

Spine-Tingling Secrets
Ready to learn those spine-tingling secrets for low back injury prevention? Our first video resource ends the debate on whether a back brace is helpful in preventing back injuries. Secondly, Chantel Gorton presents strategies for preventing back injuries outright with our friends at Ally Safety.
To Brace or Not to Brace | Back Injury Prevention Strategies

Industrial Sports Medicine
As always, we have further print resources for all-encompassing back prevention exercises and strategies. Low back injuries don’t just hamper the industrial athlete during their work tasks. The low back is prone to overexertion from any number of daily activities and projects. Ask your onsite Injury Prevention Specialist for a copy of these references for helping with low back issues.

Be sure to check out our other blogs for further injury prevention education and tips for the industrial athlete from Work Right NW!