Work Right NW

A Weight Off Your Shoulders

by WRNW It’s that time again, Industrial Athletes. Work Right preaches prevention and this month our focus is on the ball and socket joint – the shoulder! When it comes to work, there isn’t much your shoulders don’t play a role in. To take the weight off of your shoulders,

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Working to a New Beat

by Caleb Patee, DO, MPH If our hearts are the engine of our bodies, what happens when injuries take their toll on the piece of machinery that keeps our bodies going? Work Right seeks to prevent these injuries from happening, but when they do, are you prepared for what comes

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Start With Your Heart

by Amelia Meigs, ATC Industrial athletes work hard every day. Ensuring our heart is in good condition keeps us healthy for the long run. For February, American Heart Month, let’s discuss a way to keep our bodies running well so we’re not at risk for time away from work or

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Pain In The Neck

by WRNW What isn’t, right?! This is likely especially true if you spend ample amounts of time at a computer or workstation. Posture is a practice and worth your time, plus your neck will thank you! You have one body in this lifetime, and as an industrial athlete you have

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Eat To Hydrate

by Steven Limbrunner, ATC If you’re like me, staying hydrated can be a boring and repetitive process. The constant need to drink some high-quality H2O feels like maintenance work for our bodies. Trips to the water cooler. Trips to the bathroom. Repeat. What if I told you… there are more

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Attuned to Food

by Sydney Lopez, ATC Are you ever so busy you become grumpy with a growling stomach and headache? Did you possibly forget to eat, or worse, ignore your body’s hunger signals in order to get a job done? Industrial athletes lead busy lives and have jobs which require lots of

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The Best of 2022

by WRNW With a new year in sight, it’s time to reflect on things past and those that are to come in 2023! To do that, we take you back to Work Right’s most popular topics from the past year. Which were your favorites? As you read or re-read (click

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Inflammatory Words

by Erin Guidarelli, ATC Have you ever been hindered by a painful, achy, and stiff joint pain in your day-to-day activities? Maybe you’ve assumed this is arthritis because of your age, your occupation, or because you popped your knuckles too much when you were younger. Don’t lose hope just yet!

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Sports Hernia Prevention

by Salvador Saldana The dreaded hernia. Have you ever worried about potentially getting one in your lifetime? Sports hernias are pretty common in the sports population, but they are also commonly found within the industrial setting as well. Have you ever felt a pull or twinge in the front of

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The Best of 2021

As we begin the new year, we take a look back on our favorite newsletters of 2021. Each of these selections seemed to be a favorite of yours as well! If you’re interested in reading each of these again (or if even for the first time), the volume and issue

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Daylight Saving Time Safety Tips

Though only an hour difference, the change with daylight saving time often throws us off by more than we may expect. Accommodating to the change can take days or even weeks-for one lousy hour difference. Did you know that the abrupt change in our sleep/wake cycle as well as the

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Thankfulness for the Industrial Athlete

As we move into the holiday season, particularly into November, we want to take a moment to give thanks to the Industrial Athlete. We are talking about the athletes that move for a living and use their body to push, pull, lift, and carry. The athletes that don’t have an

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