Work Right NW

Dehydration Self Diagnosis

Tired today, dragging through your day recently? Not sure why? It could be…the change in weather! The change of seasons sneaks up on us so quickly every year, doesn’t it? It happens EVERY year, one would think we would be used to the changes. Our bodies are amazingly adaptable, but

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Sunny Days Meet Your UPF Match

Summer is just around the corner. (Insert happy dance here) It’s time for fun in the sun, outdoor activities, and warm weather. When opening those summer drawers for the first time this season, here are a few things to keep in mind! For the industrial athlete that works outdoors OR

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The RIGHT Bike Fit

Physical fitness for the industrial athlete is essential. We write about this all the time.  All. The. Time. Recently it was on a simple aerobic walking program. The industrial athlete, however, is often already standing or walking for most of the day. While this is not specifically aerobic in nature,

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It’s National Foam Rolling Day!

That’s a thing, you say? Yep, we did too. But it is, in fact, found on the National Day Calendar every year on May 11th. While we are not going to argue the evidence based benefits of foam rolling (there isn’t much) we WILL argue its use for massage. Some

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No Rest For The Industrial Worker

HAPPY SAFEY WEEK! We are super excited to share some great tips and content this week in spirit of the celebration. Keep an eye out on our social media platforms throughout the week. Our plug this week is on the importance of a diligent self care routine. We say this

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Move More: With Rest Breaks

In the final week of April for Move More Month, let’s press pause…during exercise! Or in other words, focus on interval training. You may have seen the acronym HIIT which stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  Does the phrase “high intensity” sound less than appealing? It’s not as sinister as

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What’s Stretching Got To Do With It?

It’s week 3 of our MOVE MORE focus for the month of April.  This week we talk about…STRETCHING! We couldn’t leave out something as important as stretching. However, it’s “importance” may surprise you. Is stretching the key to longevity and health? For those of you who dislike stretching, you will

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Move More: By Strengthening

Move More Month…Week 2! This week we focus on our favorite injury prevention topic…strengthening. If there is one thing we cannot get enough of, it is strengthening! Our manta is like a broken record #strongisneverwrong.  Here’s the thing though, our resilience to breakdown of tissues (i.e. INJURY) is through the

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Move MORE Month

Move MORE Month April celebrates “Move More Month”, which is music to our ears! For further proof, check out our Tik Tok posts this month. April 7th (or the first Wednesday in April) is also marked “National Walking Day“. Is it a coincidence that it falls within “move more month”?

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What the Industrial Athlete Should Know About Diabetes

Diabetes can put a damper on how you are able to complete your job tasks as well as your resilience and performance on a day to day basis, particularly for the industrial athlete. Not only that, but it is a stepping stone to more serious diseases. In fact…we dare you

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Vaccination Expectations

Dr. Caleb Patee, Work Right’s medical director shares some insight into the new COVID vaccination and answers some common questions on each of the vaccines as well as common, typical side effects. COVID Vaccination Series: Currently there are three (3) FDA emergency use approved vaccines for the coronavirus, Pfizer, Moderna,

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Make Sleep a Sport

Have you heard of the sport called “sleep”? It has yet to make it into the Olympics, but we think it should be recognized and lauded like any other sport.  Most are at least generally aware that exercise and strength training is the key to longevity, health, wellness, brain function,

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