Work Right NW

How to Survive a Dinosaur Attack

by Omar Fercha, ATC Welcome to Jurassic World! During National Safety Month, we at Work Right want to make sure you are PREPARED to prevent any possible injury. This obviously includes dinosaur attacks, since dinosaurs are being released into the world this week. We want to make sure YOU are

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Safety22 with Nic Patee

  The American Society of Safety Professionals Annual Conference – Safety 22 – is less than a month away! Held in Chicago this year, Work Right is excited to take part again in this annual event that networks like-minded professionals on the latest challenges, opportunities, and innovations in the industry.

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Inflammatory Words

by Erin Guidarelli, ATC Have you ever been hindered by a painful, achy, and stiff joint pain in your day-to-day activities? Maybe you’ve assumed this is arthritis because of your age, your occupation, or because you popped your knuckles too much when you were younger. Don’t lose hope just yet!

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Blow Your Mind

by Beth Briggs Let’s do a little brainstorming this week and talk about how we can train our brains for better mental health! With a little practice, we can use our heads to help calm us down when we’re stressed or anxious, or regulate our mood while at work or play.

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Oh No, Here We Go Again…

by WRNW Unless you’re tuned out entirely to the news and social media, you know the world has become increasingly divided. Each day sees another breaking news story or scientific finding presented that inevitably sparks new worries or concerns. These challenges force us to make decisions and changes for ourselves

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The Cost of Injury: The Shoulder

by WRNW Work Right does its best to give constant education on injury prevention and tips on how to stay safe and healthy at work and at home. Our goal is to keep you working and prevent injuries! Aside from the inconveniences that come with shoulder pain (disruptions to sleep,

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by WRNW Seizures are the result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain, leading to temporary and involuntary changes in body movement, function, sensation, awareness, or behavior. If one has 2 or more seizures from an unidentified cause, this is generally known to be epilepsy. Epilepsy is more common than

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Forklift Ergonomics

by Work Right NW Many of our injury prevention tips in the industrial setting focus on the importance of ergonomics in the workplace, especially at workstations, tables, or desks. The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society outlines the importance of the discipline in many forms. But, what about those who work

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Learning Self-Compassion

“Just when self-esteem deserts you, self-compassion steps in and gives you a sense of being valuable… because you are a human being deserving of love in that moment.” – Kristin Neff The last few years have been hard on all of us. Between COVID-19, the political climate, and complete changes

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Sports Hernia Prevention

by Salvador Saldana The dreaded hernia. Have you ever worried about potentially getting one in your lifetime? Sports hernias are pretty common in the sports population, but they are also commonly found within the industrial setting as well. Have you ever felt a pull or twinge in the front of

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Caffeine… It’s Good

by Omar Fercha “If it wasn’t for coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.” – David Letterman Hundreds of years ago, before civilization had fully formed, an Ethiopian goat herder was tending to his flock. He noticed them jumping and dancing around on the hillside. He investigated the area and

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Workday Fuel: Quick, Healthy Meals

by Ann Meiners In March, Nutrition Awareness Month aids us in the importance of fueling our body with nutritious things so we can have optimally functional body processes. But sometimes, even when we’re able to find ingredients that are healthy, sustainable, and affordable, we still struggle to find the time to

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