Work Right NW

All Up In Your Grill About Safety

by Aaron Weidman It’s the middle of summer, do you know if your grill is in prime condition to host a BBQ with friends and family? You know Work Right wants you PREPARED for every occasion. So here are some tips for you to Review Your Hazards when it comes

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Inflammatory Words

by Erin Guidarelli, ATC Have you ever been hindered by a painful, achy, and stiff joint pain in your day-to-day activities? Maybe you’ve assumed this is arthritis because of your age, your occupation, or because you popped your knuckles too much when you were younger. Don’t lose hope just yet!

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Blow Your Mind

by Beth Briggs Let’s do a little brainstorming this week and talk about how we can train our brains for better mental health! With a little practice, we can use our heads to help calm us down when we’re stressed or anxious, or regulate our mood while at work or play.

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Workday Fuel: Quick, Healthy Meals

by Ann Meiners In March, Nutrition Awareness Month aids us in the importance of fueling our body with nutritious things so we can have optimally functional body processes. But sometimes, even when we’re able to find ingredients that are healthy, sustainable, and affordable, we still struggle to find the time to

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Heart Healthy

by Dr. Caleb Patee Even with Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, the whole month is still a time to focus on the  heart. February is American Heart Month! So, we take time to recognize the indicators and variables of cardiovascular issues and a heart-healthy lifestyle.   Diet/Weight More than

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Inhale, Exhale. And Repeat!

New Year, New You, New Breathing! In this week’s newsletter, we learn how to enhance your rest and recuperation through diaphragmatic breathing! We can all use a little bit more of that this year anyway. So what is diaphragmatic breathing? Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal or belly breathing, is

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The Best of 2021

As we begin the new year, we take a look back on our favorite newsletters of 2021. Each of these selections seemed to be a favorite of yours as well! If you’re interested in reading each of these again (or if even for the first time), the volume and issue

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Daylight Saving Time Safety Tips

Though only an hour difference, the change with daylight saving time often throws us off by more than we may expect. Accommodating to the change can take days or even weeks-for one lousy hour difference. Did you know that the abrupt change in our sleep/wake cycle as well as the

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Driving Value In Your Coaching

by Nathan Gonzalez Work Right is an industry leader in equipping industrial athletes to be ergonomically prepared for their workday. How is that you ask? Proactively seeking opportunities to educate and empower as many employees as possible to make positive shifts in their work practices, is what sets us apart!

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Ergo Month: Desk Setup Checklist

WARNING: Getting a proper set up for your desk may result in decreased neck, upper back, wrist, and forearm pain as well as improvements in mood and productivity. Improper desk ergonomics are a risk factor for a variety of aches and pains – none of which are desirable. Neck pain

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Prevent Injuries on 2! Down. Set. Hut Hut!

Blue 42. Blue 42. Check, Check. PREVENT INJURIES. PREVENT INJURIES ON 2. DOWWWNNN. SEEEET. HUT HUT!    As summer winds down, the days start getting cooler, the leaves begin to change color, and across the nation you can hear the sounds of pads clashing against each other. That’s right, football

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Cholesterol, Oh Cholesterol

Cholesterol, Oh Cholesterol By WRNW We often hear about this waxy substance in a negative light which begs the question of how important it is. Cholesterol is 100% necessary. It is a building block for cells and makes vitamins and other hormones. It is vital to our health and well

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