Work Right NW

Sticking to a Gym Routine

by Justin Zimmerman Consistency is key for gym goals but the reason reaching those goals is so challenging is because of how difficult it is to stay consistent for the long term. Anyone have a gym resolution to begin the new year? Let us help offer a few tips to

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Warmup to Warm Up

by Steve Limbrunner Many of us are in the middle of a long cold winter. During this season no one likes to be cold and that’s why utilizing a good pre-activity warmup can keep us PREPARED! The last thing we want is a pulled muscle from shoveling a driveway or

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Heart Healthy

by Dr. Caleb Patee Even with Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, the whole month is still a time to focus on the  heart. February is American Heart Month! So, we take time to recognize the indicators and variables of cardiovascular issues and a heart-healthy lifestyle.   Diet/Weight More than

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Navigating a Busy Gym

by Sara Thistle You’ve made the wise decision to start some healthy habits to begin the new year. Maybe you’re the new owner of a shiny new gym membership? Starting out at the gym? You’re not alone… clearly! This is one of the busiest times of the year as people

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What Is A Healthy Weight?

  At the beginning of the year, many people will make one or more New Year’s resolutions – and they often center around the idea of losing weight in an effort to become more healthy. But what exactly is a healthy weight? And should your weight really be your focus

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Relax with Breathing

Our last newsletter taught us how to do diaphragmatic breathing. Let’s continue this theme by learning how to further relax, decrease stress, and improve sleep with Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR). If any of your current New Year’s resolutions have to do with improved health and wellness, then this is the

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Inhale, Exhale. And Repeat!

New Year, New You, New Breathing! In this week’s newsletter, we learn how to enhance your rest and recuperation through diaphragmatic breathing! We can all use a little bit more of that this year anyway. So what is diaphragmatic breathing? Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal or belly breathing, is

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The Best of 2021

As we begin the new year, we take a look back on our favorite newsletters of 2021. Each of these selections seemed to be a favorite of yours as well! If you’re interested in reading each of these again (or if even for the first time), the volume and issue

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Ergo Christmas Tree Hunting with Omar Fercha

O’ Christmas Tree, O’ Christmas Tree, How lovely are your branches…even when the branch smacks you in the face as you carry it to your car. As you begin gearing up for Christmas (I am sure most of you are already done just bear with me), we want to provide

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Lather. Rinse. Repeat… As Needed.

With almost two years into post-pandemic lifestyle, we all understand the importance of being aware of how easy it is to spread germs. Now, we’re upon National Hand Washing Awareness Week, so let’s do this week the honor of refreshing our hand washing skills. LATHER up those paws. RINSE those

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Ergonomics of Shaving

by Omar Fercha, LAT, ATC YOU DID IT! You reached the end of No Shave November and now it’s finally over. It’s finished! No longer do you have to listen to your spouse complain how different you look. No longer will you have to listen to comments about how good or bad

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Happiness is Giving

Wellness is not only about taking care of your body with strength, fitness, and flexibility. While we always have a tip on how #strongisneverwrong, we cannot forget the impact our mental health has on our overall total health. Tis the season for giving, but maybe we should be focusing on

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