Work Right NW

Prevent Injuries on 2! Down. Set. Hut Hut!

Blue 42. Blue 42. Check, Check. PREVENT INJURIES. PREVENT INJURIES ON 2. DOWWWNNN. SEEEET. HUT HUT!    As summer winds down, the days start getting cooler, the leaves begin to change color, and across the nation you can hear the sounds of pads clashing against each other. That’s right, football

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Cholesterol, Oh Cholesterol

Cholesterol, Oh Cholesterol By WRNW We often hear about this waxy substance in a negative light which begs the question of how important it is. Cholesterol is 100% necessary. It is a building block for cells and makes vitamins and other hormones. It is vital to our health and well

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7 Myths of Resistance Training

7 Myths of Resistance Training By Justin Zimmerman, LAT, ATC Resistance training is often misunderstood. To put some myths to rest, here are 7 that we think are important to bring to light. In reality, resistance training (translation: strengthening) is the single best piece of prevention for a myriad of

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3 Ways to Prevent Shoulder Injuries

While having a strong and stable shoulder as well as a consistent resistance training program is the ultimate way to prevent shoulder injuries, there are also some key principles to pay attention to during everyday tasks. These 3 tips can be found in more detail in a video with Ally

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Eye Gear for the Sun: UV Protection

August is National Eye Exam Month. It’s a yearly reminder to get in and schedule your annual exam. The benefit? Most eye related disorders, when detected early, are reversible. Yes-you heard that right. We are talking about prevention, our favorite topic! Another important aspect of eye disorders prevention: UV protection.

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According to Our Ego

Ego: Our sense of self that helps us to organize our thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us. Our ego seeks to please our drive in realistic ways that ultimately bring benefit rather than grief. How does ego relate to workplace safety and wellness? Your ego

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Mental Traveling

Ever find yourself traveling back in your mind to places you love or times you have enjoyed? Sometimes staying present isn’t all that beneficial during challenging circumstances, like the current pandemic. Or a challenging family situation or workplace changes. Projecting ourselves to a previous time or a desired future time

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Suicide Awareness

Our goal throughout this blog is to prevent injury. While we typically focus on prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, we have been known to color outside of the box.  This time we are talking about something a little more serious. YES, all safety is serious, but this matter is one that

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Workaholism Explained

Do you come in early? (Because you choose to) Skip your lunch? (Because there is too much work to bother eating!) Stay late or take on extra overtime shifts? (On the reg) If this is you, then keep reading because this is dedicated to you and your work ethic! While

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Summertime Fever = Distractions

Weekend trips, camping, water activities, and barbeques abound. Who doesn’t look forward to spending time soaking up the sun (with sunscreen of course), spending time with friends and family, and enjoying warmer weather? These are reasons to celebrate and make the most of each and every weekend.  Warmer weather is

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The Hydration Equation

True or False: Our hydration is dependent upon how much water we drink on a daily basis. Did you guess False? If so, you are correct! Our hydration is actually from 3 key sources with water taking up the brunt of the sources and taking up MORE if we don’t

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Muscle Strain or Abdominal Pain?

Is the pain you are having in the front of your abdomen muscle related or is it more internal? Did you do one too many crunches, did you twist wrong, or is it something to do with the organs under the layer of muscle? Abdominal pain can be caused by

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