Work Right NW

The Cost Of Injury: The Knee

  We return to our Cost of Injury* series this month with a new breakdown of injury costs – this time spotlighting the knee. A knee injury can happen due to any number of physical activities that involve repeated stress or improper use, but can also include accidents, or falls,

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The Cost of Injury: The Back

  Last month we discussed the cost of shoulder injuries. This week we continue the series with back injuries. General back injury is one of the most expensive types of injuries in the workplace. Specifically, low back pain is very common with 8 out of 10 of us destined for

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Driving Value In Your Coaching

by Nathan Gonzalez Work Right is an industry leader in equipping industrial athletes to be ergonomically prepared for their workday. How is that you ask? Proactively seeking opportunities to educate and empower as many employees as possible to make positive shifts in their work practices, is what sets us apart!

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Ergo Month: Desk Setup Checklist

WARNING: Getting a proper set up for your desk may result in decreased neck, upper back, wrist, and forearm pain as well as improvements in mood and productivity. Improper desk ergonomics are a risk factor for a variety of aches and pains – none of which are desirable. Neck pain

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A Pop Singer, Workplace Safety & Unintended Consequences

“I didn’t mean for that to happen….” This is a statement that we have all uttered at one point or another in our lifetimes. For some of us less fortunate people, we have been forced to say this phrase numerous times throughout our lifetime. Our life is full of purposeful

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The Value of Safety

We have all heard it & if I am being honest I have said it myself many times, “make safety a priority”. This language has been pervasive in industry over the last decade. Slogans such as “safety first” or “prioritize safety” are filtering throughout jobsites as we speak. While these

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