Work Right NW

You Better Watch Out

by Steve Limbrunner, ATC During prime holiday season, we all want to make sure our holiday decorations are a perfect 10/10. If it’s because we want to impress our neighbors, get in the holiday spirit, or need to do our best Clark Griswold impersonation, holiday decorations are a must! That

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Pick Your Brain: Concussion Safety

by Savannah Peters, ATC Concussions are a type of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) caused by a fall, bump or blow to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. A concussion can cause a temporary loss of consciousness, but not always. If

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How to Survive a Dinosaur Attack

by Omar Fercha, ATC Welcome to Jurassic World! During National Safety Month, we at Work Right want to make sure you are PREPARED to prevent any possible injury. This obviously includes dinosaur attacks, since dinosaurs are being released into the world this week. We want to make sure YOU are

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PREPARED to Travel

by Aaron Weidman VACATION!!! It’s one of the things we look forward to most – that sweet, sweet feeling of getting away. You’ve planned the trip, lined up a flight, reserved the rental car, and booked the hotel. The last thing you need is an injury to set the trip

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PREPARED for the Big Game

by the Work Right NW Illinois Team At Work Right NW, we understand you aren’t always at work, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be PREPARED. We’ve devised a checklist to get ahead of injury prevention. So, as we approach the big football game, make sure you are checking off

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Review Your Hazards: Home Alone Edition

by the Work Right NW Illinois Team At Work Right NW we take workplace safety seriously. We are so committed to helping the industrial athlete stay safe, we wanted to showcase a few incidents that, had the Wet Bandits had a chance to meet with an injury prevention specialist, they

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