Work Right NW

Celebrate Ergonomics Month this October

October is National Ergonomics Month. We recognize the importance of ergonomics in the workplace for many reasons but especially for its injury prevention superpower! Prevention is our goal so utilization of ergonomics is essential to the bigger picture. Ergonomics is a science and as such…can be complicated. But it doesn’t

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Prevent Injuries on 2! Down. Set. Hut Hut!

Blue 42. Blue 42. Check, Check. PREVENT INJURIES. PREVENT INJURIES ON 2. DOWWWNNN. SEEEET. HUT HUT!    As summer winds down, the days start getting cooler, the leaves begin to change color, and across the nation you can hear the sounds of pads clashing against each other. That’s right, football

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Cholesterol, Oh Cholesterol

Cholesterol, Oh Cholesterol By WRNW We often hear about this waxy substance in a negative light which begs the question of how important it is. Cholesterol is 100% necessary. It is a building block for cells and makes vitamins and other hormones. It is vital to our health and well

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Obesity: Be Aware

World obesity day occurs annually on March 4th. Why spend a day bringing awareness to obesity? Because obesity is preventable! Work Right NW’s core mission is to change healthcare and one of the primary ways we can start to change healthcare is through prevention. We need to stop waiting until

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Yoga For Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a leading cause of disability everywhere. If you are human, there is a good chance you will have an episode of low back pain at some point in your life. Further, there is a good chance that you will have it again. Then there is chronic

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Yoga Speed Dating

No, we’re not talking about speed dating while at a yoga class. . .which would be especially difficult now anyway as many gyms and yoga studios are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions. What we’re actually talking about is learning a few of the different types of yoga

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Do You Yoga?

If your answer is “no”, you may be surprised. Yoga has numerous benefits to health and is linked to low back injury prevention, heart health, and strength. Even if you don’t find yourself a “yoga” fan, you may still find yourself in a yoga pose during your work day. While

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The Tactical Athlete

It is obvious why high-level athletes have a team of professionals helping them achieve their goals and allowing them to stay on top of their game for as long as possible. They are reliant on their physical, mental, and emotional abilities and therefore seek guidance and support from strength coaches,

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Getting Ahead of the Impending MSD Pandemic

Written by Nic Patee, CEO As parents, we strive to do the best job possible raising our kids. We aim to provide opportunities for educational experiences through at home experiments. I know recently at our house the slime experiment has been a real hit. We aim to improve their social

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Desk Workstation Ergo Checklist

With many more people working from home these days, you may want to take a good look at your home office set up and create an environment that is ergonomically beneficial. A good home office set up is easier than you may think and the perfect desk set up is

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A Pop Singer, Workplace Safety & Unintended Consequences

“I didn’t mean for that to happen….” This is a statement that we have all uttered at one point or another in our lifetimes. For some of us less fortunate people, we have been forced to say this phrase numerous times throughout our lifetime. Our life is full of purposeful

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