Work Right NW

Strong Shoulders, Stronger Ken

by Aaron Weidman, MS, ATC, CEAS Men’s Health tends to be a bit like Fight Club. How, you ask? Well, the 1st and 2nd rule of Men’s Health are similar to those of Fight Club – “You do not talk about Men’s Health!” We’re working on breaking through the stigma

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The Wonderful World of Ken-jury Prevention

by Omar Fercha, LAT, ATC According to a 2020 study, 82% of men try to stay healthier to live longer for family and friends. However, only 50% of men engage in using preventive care. My fellow men, WHAT ARE WE DOING!? Life finds a way. The odds of us being

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It’s Complexus

by Andrea Jervinis, LAT, ATC Ladies! Do you have the right support? Let’s discuss. Women are more prone to experience thoracic pain in their lifetime than men. A study sampling 3,710 workers found that 17% of women in the workforce and 9% of men experienced thoracic pain. Although the prevalence

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From Plate To Planet

by Peyton Mayberry, LAT, ATC Ever stop to ponder the journey of your food from fridge to fork? You’re not alone if the answer is ‘rarely.’ But here’s the reality: our daily meals often come with a side of waste – excess accoutrement, if you will. From overlooked leftovers to

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Pain Puzzles: Fact and Fiction

by Ashley Shoemaker, MHA, ATC Oww! A grimace. Eyes squeeze shut. Muscles tense. Frustration brews, patience wanes, and a sense of helplessness looms. Sound familiar? About 51 million Americans experience pain that interferes with their daily lives and thousands sustain injuries at work or home every day. And, even though the sense

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Awareness Level Midnight

by Alex Schmaltz, LAT, ATC Situational awareness is no joke. It’s a critical, on-the-job skill that helps to identify hazards, make effective decisions, and prevent accidents. Avoid the cleanup on aisle 5 and mop the ice with those injury risks! Slam Method Situational awareness involves being able to perceive, understand, and

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Cognizant of the Risk

by Rachel Reichel, MS, CEAS, NREMT, LAT, ATCand Katie Ringenary, MS, LAT, ATC As industrial athletes, we weave through a spectrum of daily encounters from a loving family member, to a helpful neighbor, a familiar coffee shop barista, a friendly gym buddy, and a compassionate work colleague. Even within this

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A Call To Attention

by JT Yancy, MAT, LAT, ATC, CSCS Military personnel are subjected to numerous testing criteria to assess their physical capabilities and to identify any shortfalls that may need to be addressed. These tests are critical in that they must be administered and monitored before being deployed or assigned to military

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Avoid The Pain In The Neck

by Melinda Tangredi, PT, DPT, OCS There’s a reason the phrase ‘pain in the neck’ is used to describe something that is bothersome and annoying. Anyone with literal neck pain knows they’d rather not deal with neck and shoulder discomfort. But for those with this actual pain while working, does

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I’m Still Standing!

by Sam Doctorian, MS, ATC Sedentary jobs (jobs that require sitting) make up more than 80% of the United States workforce. Add in active sitting jobs like machine operators and truck drivers, and you have almost nine out of ten people sitting for 8-10 hours a day. Prolonged sitting can

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More Pressure, More… Balance?

by Tori Meyer, LAT, ATC Have you ever heard of the motto, “No Pressure, No Diamonds”? It’s a wonderful expression reminding us that pressure can produce some of the best results in life – i.e. diamonds. Although this analogy is alluding to the mental or psychological side of life, I

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Hangin’ (Mentally) Tough

by Sal Chavez, MSEd, LAT, ATC Staying physically active and fit can have a positive impact on your life. Check! This is an expected adage from an athletic trainer, but how often do you consider your mental strength in tandem with your physical strength? Mental strength and toughness can be

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