Work Right NW


by Sydney Boyce, MS, LAT, ATC, RYT200 Following a balanced diet is crucial to good health and proper nutrition, especially for females. Women go through a constant shift in hormones throughout different phases of life and maturation. Plus women tend to get bombarded by ads on the next fad diet

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Dinner? Again? Seems Excessive…

by Casee Yarborough, LAT, ATC Let’s keep building healthy habits together! Not only healthy habits for our bodies, but also healthy habits for the earth. One healthy habit to nail down is meal planning. Meal planning and meal prepping can look different person to person. Why Meal Plan And Meal

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Holiday Eating That’s More Grave Than Gravy

by Toshi Hirano, MS, ATC, CES Many of us are in the midst of non-stop gatherings with family and friends for the holiday season that likely center around special meals with festive food and drinks. What would your onsite Injury Prevention Specialist have to say around the challenges you face

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Eat To Hydrate

by Steven Limbrunner, ATC If you’re like me, staying hydrated can be a boring and repetitive process. The constant need to drink some high-quality H2O feels like maintenance work for our bodies. Trips to the water cooler. Trips to the bathroom. Repeat. What if I told you… there are more

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Attuned to Food

by Sydney Lopez, ATC Are you ever so busy you become grumpy with a growling stomach and headache? Did you possibly forget to eat, or worse, ignore your body’s hunger signals in order to get a job done? Industrial athletes lead busy lives and have jobs which require lots of

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Snack Right – Is Snacking Good or Bad?

by Finessa Rassel, ATC New year, new me. Many people approach the new year with this mentality, and running with this frame of thought commonly motivates resolutions that include diet changes. This time of year especially, snacking gets a bad rap and may seem like a contradictory practice on a

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Helpful Seconds

by WRNW Thanksgiving is upon us this week! While visions of sumptuous spreads of turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, homemade rolls, and cranberry sauce have been dancing in our heads for weeks, we’re not here to bring down the mood by telling you to avoid all the unhealthy good stuff.

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Sugarcoated: The Candy Man Edition

by WRNW The onslaught of Halloween trick or treaters is over! Now, the candy hoarding begins. Whether your household knows the Switch Witch or if you levy a parent tax on any new candies brought into your home on Halloween night, it stands to reason there is a newly piled

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Processing Your Diet

by Finessa Rassel, ATC Nutrition plays a key role in recovery. Food is fuel for your body. But, the type of food you choose to fuel your body with makes a huge difference in its healing process. You might have heard the terms: “processed” and “ultra-processed” in reference to the

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Workday Fuel: Quick, Healthy Meals

by Ann Meiners In March, Nutrition Awareness Month aids us in the importance of fueling our body with nutritious things so we can have optimally functional body processes. But sometimes, even when we’re able to find ingredients that are healthy, sustainable, and affordable, we still struggle to find the time to

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Heart Healthy

by Dr. Caleb Patee Even with Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, the whole month is still a time to focus on the  heart. February is American Heart Month! So, we take time to recognize the indicators and variables of cardiovascular issues and a heart-healthy lifestyle.   Diet/Weight More than

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Prevent Injuries on 2! Down. Set. Hut Hut!

Blue 42. Blue 42. Check, Check. PREVENT INJURIES. PREVENT INJURIES ON 2. DOWWWNNN. SEEEET. HUT HUT!    As summer winds down, the days start getting cooler, the leaves begin to change color, and across the nation you can hear the sounds of pads clashing against each other. That’s right, football

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