Work Right NW

The Cost Of Injury: The Knee

  We return to our Cost of Injury* series this month with a new breakdown of injury costs – this time spotlighting the knee. A knee injury can happen due to any number of physical activities that involve repeated stress or improper use, but can also include accidents, or falls,

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The Cost of Injury: The Back

  Last month we discussed the cost of shoulder injuries. This week we continue the series with back injuries. General back injury is one of the most expensive types of injuries in the workplace. Specifically, low back pain is very common with 8 out of 10 of us destined for

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The Cost of Injury: The Shoulder

by WRNW Work Right does its best to give constant education on injury prevention and tips on how to stay safe and healthy at work and at home. Our goal is to keep you working and prevent injuries! Aside from the inconveniences that come with shoulder pain (disruptions to sleep,

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Sports Hernia Prevention

by Salvador Saldana The dreaded hernia. Have you ever worried about potentially getting one in your lifetime? Sports hernias are pretty common in the sports population, but they are also commonly found within the industrial setting as well. Have you ever felt a pull or twinge in the front of

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PREPARED to Travel

by Aaron Weidman VACATION!!! It’s one of the things we look forward to most – that sweet, sweet feeling of getting away. You’ve planned the trip, lined up a flight, reserved the rental car, and booked the hotel. The last thing you need is an injury to set the trip

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Sticking to a Gym Routine

by Justin Zimmerman Consistency is key for gym goals but the reason reaching those goals is so challenging is because of how difficult it is to stay consistent for the long term. Anyone have a gym resolution to begin the new year? Let us help offer a few tips to

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Warmup to Warm Up

by Steve Limbrunner Many of us are in the middle of a long cold winter. During this season no one likes to be cold and that’s why utilizing a good pre-activity warmup can keep us PREPARED! The last thing we want is a pulled muscle from shoveling a driveway or

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Heart Healthy

by Dr. Caleb Patee Even with Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, the whole month is still a time to focus on the  heart. February is American Heart Month! So, we take time to recognize the indicators and variables of cardiovascular issues and a heart-healthy lifestyle.   Diet/Weight More than

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Navigating a Busy Gym

by Sara Thistle You’ve made the wise decision to start some healthy habits to begin the new year. Maybe you’re the new owner of a shiny new gym membership? Starting out at the gym? You’re not alone… clearly! This is one of the busiest times of the year as people

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Take a Hike!

No, really. TAKE A HIKE. November 17th is National Hiking Day and why shouldn’t there be a day to celebrate this? There is a National Play Your Ukulele Day for crying out loud so National Hiking Day seems pretty normal now doesn’t it? Scared of spiders and bears? Take an

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Prevent Injuries on 2! Down. Set. Hut Hut!

Blue 42. Blue 42. Check, Check. PREVENT INJURIES. PREVENT INJURIES ON 2. DOWWWNNN. SEEEET. HUT HUT!    As summer winds down, the days start getting cooler, the leaves begin to change color, and across the nation you can hear the sounds of pads clashing against each other. That’s right, football

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