Wearable Exoskeleton Heroes
Matthew Marino, PT, MSPT, CPE, CSCS, TSAC-F, Director of Ergonomic Factors at Hero Wear
Email: mmarino@herowearllc.com
Matthew Marino graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation Science and a Masters in Physical Therapy. He is a Certified Professional Ergonomist and is also an expert in the fields of Human Performance Optimization and Rehabilitation. Currently, he is the Director of Ergonomics and Human Factors for HeroWear LLC, an exoskeleton company based in Nashville, TN. This spring HeroWear is set to release a commercial version of their wearable device that will help reduce back strain and fatigue to sustain strength in workers who perform hard physical labor. Matt has experience providing consulting services for clients in a wide array of industries and has expertise in the design, testing and implementation of exoskeleton and wearable sensor technologies in clinical and workplace environments. He has been an active member of the ASTM F48 Committee on Exoskeletons and Exosuits since its 2017 inception, and he is a founding partner of the new ASTM Exo Technology Center of Excellence. In his role at HeroWear, Matt is able to use his education, training and experience with wearable technology to revolutionize workplace safety, comfort and performance.
Topics Addressed:
- What are exoskeletons?
- How do they assist with physical activity?
- The 4 exoskeleton domains: occupational, medical, military, recreational
- Where exoskeletons are used in the industry?
- Can exoskeletons be used for the jobs that cannot be re-designed like overhead work?
- The importance of designing tools intended to assist in safety and not productivity.
- Are there unintended consequences to using exoskeletons?
- The most impactful ways that we can influence people in the workplace-can it all be fixed with wearable tech?
- Why this technology is so important to develop for the benefit of the “end user” (the individual who will benefit from its use).
- Matthew’s personal passion project on exoskeletons and what has driven him to invest so heavily in exoskeletons.
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