with Mark Testa, Executive Vice President at Regenexx
and featuring Caleb Patee

Dr. Mark Testa has been involved in holistic and integrative musculoskeletal healthcare since the early ’90s as a chiropractor and acupuncturist. He’s been involved in many business areas of Regenexx for over 10 years. Mark is a natural healthcare geek, interested in fitness, fasting, and health longevity.

Topics addressed in this episode:

– The difference between PRP and bone marrow concentrate treatments and how are they used

– How PRP or bone marrow concentrate treatments are driving down employer group costs

– Impacts of conservative treatments on indirect labor costs

– Employer group identification for benefits of PRP or bone marrow concentrate treatments

– The best conditions for treatment success with intervention

– The next innovations in the health and safety industry

– The importance of considering non-operative procedures

Check out previous episodes of the Prevennovate Podcast to learn more tips, advice, and news from industry leaders.