Work Right NW

How to Survive a Dinosaur Attack

by Omar Fercha, ATC Welcome to Jurassic World! During National Safety Month, we at Work Right want to make sure you are PREPARED to prevent any possible injury. This obviously includes dinosaur attacks, since dinosaurs are being released into the world this week. We want to make sure YOU are

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Cavemen, Sleep, and How to Get It

by Andrea Jervinis, ATC, LAT Do you feel it? The grogginess and body ache that comes with losing an hour during Daylight-Saving Time? Let me tell ya, it’s even worse with kids (am I right, parents?). The good news is in a few short days our bodies will get used

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Sticking to a Gym Routine

by Justin Zimmerman Consistency is key for gym goals but the reason reaching those goals is so challenging is because of how difficult it is to stay consistent for the long term. Anyone have a gym resolution to begin the new year? Let us help offer a few tips to

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Relax with Breathing

Our last newsletter taught us how to do diaphragmatic breathing. Let’s continue this theme by learning how to further relax, decrease stress, and improve sleep with Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR). If any of your current New Year’s resolutions have to do with improved health and wellness, then this is the

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Inhale, Exhale. And Repeat!

New Year, New You, New Breathing! In this week’s newsletter, we learn how to enhance your rest and recuperation through diaphragmatic breathing! We can all use a little bit more of that this year anyway. So what is diaphragmatic breathing? Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal or belly breathing, is

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