Begin with your hand touching your upper shoulder and head tilted away. Moving everything together, side bend your head and extend your arm straight, extending your wrist to point fingers towards the floor. Repeat the glide.
Keep your elbow straight, wrap your thumb in your hand and rotate your
arm so your thumb points behind you. Bring your arm out slightly from
your side and tilt your head toward that same side arm. Then, moving
your arm and your head at the same time, tilt your head away and bring
your hand into a resting position in front of your shoulder. Repeat the
glide moving back and forth through the sequence slowly.
Start in a position as if you were carrying a tray. Rotate your fingers toward your ear, elbow up and away from the body, tilting your head toward your same side arm. Then, moving your arm and head at the same time, tilt your head away and relax your arm down at your side, palm open. Repeat the glide moving back and forth through the sequence slowly
To mobilize the low back and stretch into extension, place your hands by the sides of your shoulders, keep your hips on the floor and extend your arms straight.
Keeping spine straight, sit hips back with one leg extended forward and toes up. “Pump” ankles back and forth flexing and pointing the toes
Lay on your back with a strap around your foot. Bring your leg up towards you until you feel a comfortable stretch. Pump your foot to point your toes towards you and away.
Lay on your back with one leg straight and the other pulled toward your chest. Pull your knee towards you feeling a light stretch, then back away. Repeat 10 times. Next, wrap your hands around the back of your knee. Straighten and bend your leg avoiding any pain or tension 10 times. Then relax your leg and pump your ankle back and forth 10 times. Lastly, pull your leg straight up towards you to stretch your hamstring. This should not be painful or have any nerve tension.
Start with wrist mobility by extending your wrist back elbow in towards your side, then move to a flexed wrist position with a straight arm.
Start with your hand out, fingers straight. Bend your fingertips down to touch the base of each joint, like a claw, then fold one more time, closing the hand. Return to the starting position in the reverse order.
Hold your hand out in front of you, palm facing you. Bend your fingertips down to touch the base of each finger joint. Your hand should look a little like a claw. Then return to the starting position.
Start with your hand out, fingers straight. Bend at your first set of knuckles, keeping the rest of the fingers straight. Then return to the starting position.