Industrial Athlete Self Care Guides

Have an ache or pain? Check out these guides on each area of the body for helpful information on common injuries, advice on when to seek medical care, and recommendations on exercises to get you back running smoothly!

self care

Pain in the Neck

What isn’t, right?! This is likely especially true if you spend ample amounts of time at a computer or workstation. Posture is a practice and worth your time-your neck will thank you!

Self Care Guide for the Industrial Athlete - Neck Pain

Pain in the Back

Welcome to the club. Not many of us get out of this life without a back injury-we just were not made to do what most of us do. But fear not because we’ve got you covered. Your spine is robust and strong. We will teach you how to take care of your back and stay strong!

Self Care for the Industrial Athlete - Low Back Pain

Shoulder Pain

Put your stress elsewhere! Your shoulders don’t need to carry it all. Our shoulders are not designed to carry heavy loads far away from the body or spend sustained time in overhead positions. But staying strong and knowing your limits will keep you clear of injury.

Self Care Guide for the Industrial Athlete - Shoulder Pain
Self Care Guide for the Industrial Athlete - Shoulder Pain

Wrist Pain

And dare we say it…carpal tunnel syndrome! Luckily there are many conservative ways to manage and prevent both wrist pain and carpal tunnel syndrome! Let us tell you all our tricks and exercise secrets for the wrist!

Self Care Guides for the Industrial Athlete - Pain in the Wrist

Knee Pain

It doesn’t discriminate across the ages! Whether you are young or old, knee pain has a way of coming after all of us! But we have great news-you can almost always kiss it goodbye with the right strength and stability exercises

Self Care Guide for the Industrial Athlete - Knee Pain

Pain in your Hip

Can be a real pain in the butt-pun intended! We know how irritating hip pain can be and certainly don’t want you to carry on thinking that there is no other way! Don’t worry, we have lots of great tips to share. You can save your pains in the butt for other life matters

Self Care Guide for the Industrial Athlete

Foot Pain

Is the worst! When we stand all day, foot pain can be more irritating than just about anything else. It’s always surprising how much we take comfort in our feet for granted! Do not despair, we have some great tips for you!

Self Care Guides for the Industrial Athlete - Ankle Pain

Elbow Pain

Is NO joke! We are pretty sure that you would take a smack across the “funny bone” to the unpleasant symptoms of “tennis elbow” any day, but either way, nobody thinks elbow pain is anything worth laughing about!

Self Care Guide to the Industrial Athlete - Pain in your elbow

Handy Moves

Pay attention to your hands-they are more important than you think! A strong grip strength is correlated with a strong and powerful shoulder. If you think your hands are getting weaker, you are likely putting your shoulder at risk too! Here are some tips to keep your hands and thumbs moving RIGHT.

Handy Moves, Self Care Guides for the Industrial Athlete

Industrial Athlete's Shoulder Program

The shoulder is one of the most common injured areas of the body in the workplace. How do we prevent injury? By STRENGTHENING! #STRONGISNEVERWRONG

Self Care Guides for the Industrial Athlete

Wellness & Recovery Tips

It’s important to take care of ourselves at the end of the day whether that is with proper hydration, stretching, or the use of ice or heat! Click below for additional information on tips for the industrial athlete.

Self Care Guides for the Industrial Athlete - Wellness and Recovery

Nerve Mobilization Exercises

Nerves love to slide and glide! Learn how to get yours moving with these exercises.

Self Massage Guides

Massage is a proven form of self-care in reducing tension, relieving stress, and decreasing discomfort associated with a soft tissue injury. Check out the links below to learn about a few methods: