About Work Right

We Are Here To Help With

Musculoskeletal-related symptoms

Mild discomfort/soreness

Muscle tension, fatigue, and/or soreness

General overuse caused by repetitive factors

Work & Non-Work Related injuries

We Can Also Help With

Strengthening & Stretching programs

Ergonomic coaching

General wellness education (i.e. nutrition, sleep, hydration, etc.)

Available Hours

Monday – Friday

For an appointment, call: 833-233-7332
(Michael – ext. 3, Regan – ext. 4)

If no answer, please leave a voicemail with a callback number for a return call as soon as one of our Injury Prevention Specialists is available.

Injury prevention specialist holding forearm of another person

Meet YOUR Work Right Clinicians

Meet Michael, your Work Right Injury Prevention Specialist!


Meet Regan, your Work Right Injury Prevention Specialist!

Pre-Shift Preparation

Your Pre-Shift Warm UP and Microstretching recommendations, designed by your onsite Injury Prevention Specialists.
Click on the image to access a PDF copy.

Need an appointment? Call: 833-233-7332
(Michael – ext. 3, Regan – ext. 4)

If no answer, please leave a voicemail with a callback number for a return call as soon as one of our Injury Prevention Specialists is available.

See us onsite? Don’t hesitate to reach out and say something!

Self-Care Guide to Injury Prevention

It Hurts!
What To Do

Check out our guides on self-care for every part of the body. Have tightness, stiffness, achiness or pain? Find your area of aggravation and read our recommendations. Have additional questions, schedule an appointment!

Industrial Athlete Digest: Wellness and Safety Tips from Work Right NW

Industrial Athlete Newsletter

Each week we publish a newsletter with tips on wellness for the industrial athlete. Check out the current week or any past issues for recommendations on anything from the importance of hearing protection to the benefits of yoga!

The Industrial Athlete's Daily Checklist


Not sure what this means? No worries! Check out our flyers that detail each letter of the industrial athlete's daily checklist, PREPARED.

Frequently Asked Questions

All FedEx Express Technical Operations employees.

We are a team of certified and licensed Athletic Trainers that specialize in recognizing early signs and symptoms of injuries, evaluating discomfort, and providing interventions to help that discomfort. Our goal and purpose is to help you before your discomfort turns into time away from work, added medical costs, and pain.

An Athletic Trainer is a certified health care professional who is an expert in injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation. Traditionally, they work with the athletic population to evaluate, treat, and rehabilitate any discomforts or injuries. In this setting with FedEx, we are here to give you the same care as we would an athlete – focusing on keeping you healthy, strong, and pain-free while at work on the job.

No, we have a Wellness Center on-site which is equipped with all the essentials needed for early intervention of musculoskeletal discomfort. It includes a treatment table, exercise and rehab equipment, tools for soft tissue intervention, taping supplies, and much more.

Prior to every evaluation, the employee will sign a consent form allowing us to share any pertinent information with FedEx needed to improve the safety and wellness of others that could be impacted by the same job task. All non-work-related information is completely confidential between the Athletic Trainer and the employee. All documentation of encounter is housed in our HIPAA protected software system.

We specialize in early intervention of aches or discomforts before they escalate into injury. Upon our evaluation, some aches and pains will be outside our scope of early intervention and therefore we will recommend seeking further medical evaluation.

In instances where you might have gone to the clinic for mild musculoskeletal discomfort, this will be a better first option of intervention. However, for any severe pain, acute injury, lacerations/slips/trips/falls or other medical emergencies, you will go directly to your medical clinic for care.

No. We function under OSHA First Aid guidelines which means we do not administer any medications or prescriptions (including over the counter such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen)

No, we handle both work related AND non-work related discomforts.

No, FedEx Express has brought us on as a benefit to you and is FREE for you to access us anytime.

Our Wearable Technology assesses individual team members in their human movement patterns that tracks any deficiencies in real time that could potentially be contributors to injury or discomfort overtime. It provides us with individualized programming to strengthen those areas of weakness before they become problematic.

We cover Mon-Fri and are available from the early morning into the evening to access day and night shifts.Hours ofservice are provide on postings throughout the facility, outside the Wellness Center room and on the Ground Safety website Ground Safety (fedex.com)

You can walk into our wellness center to see an Athletic Trainer, provided you have notified your manager, or you can schedule an appointment at a designated time that our Athletic Trainer is available.

Upon you scheduling, your appointment will either be in our Wellness Center where you will meet us OR we will meet you out on the hangar floor, at your job station or another designated location. Remember to notify you manager of this appointment.

We will start by asking a few questions to get a better understanding of what is bothering you/causing discomfort. We will provide some form of treatment whether it be stretches, exercises, massage, taping, ice compression, etc. Then, we will discuss additional stretches, exercises, self-massage techniques, proper job mechanics & health habits that you can perform on your own to aid in recovery and get you back to feeling 100%.

No. Continue your normal Emergency Action Plan with your on-site medical group.

No, they do not need to complete any documentation outside of scheduling the appointment in our booking system.

You only need to notify your manager of your condition and that you will be coming to see us. If your manager schedules your appointment in our booking system for a specific time, then that is the only “paperwork” that will need to be completed.

Yes, we are available to all full-time, part-time, or contracted FedEx Express employees.

No, you will go to your on-site medical group.

Stretches, exercises, soft tissue massage, taping, icing, education on job mechanics, health and wellness resources, recommendations for recovery.

No, we will evaluate and provide interventions/recommendations for both Work Related and Non-Work Related discomforts.

Yes, your manager must approve the time slot scheduled for you to leave the floor and see the Athletic Trainer.

For a guaranteed one-on-one session with our Athletic Trainer, you will need a scheduled appointment. We accept walk-ins, however, there is the possibility they will either be with another employee or out on the floor. If this is the case, you can come back at another time or have your manager schedule you an appointment.

Let your manager know that you would like to see Work Right NW and they will schedule the appointment at the next available time that works best for you.

No, FedEx Express has brought us on as a benefit to you and is FREE of charge for you to access us anytime.

Yes! We highly encourage seeing us for follow ups until your discomfort is completely gone.

You can reach out directly to your local Air Operations Safety Representative or email the on-site Athletic Trainers at their Work Right NW email address.

Yes! The effectiveness of our program is to detect signs and symptoms of discomfort before they become an injury. If we can do that – the odds of keeping you injury-free is very high.

Yes! As often as we can, we will be out on the floor ready to talk with you and answer any questions you may have and simply get to know you and the job task better!

Comments, questions, or concerns? Contact us.


Hesitant to schedule an appointment? Not sure how Work Right can help you? Check out what other employees have said about their appointments with Work Right!