Back(side) From The Dead
by Leeca Baran, MS, LAT, ATC
Halloween. Dia De Los Muertos. All Saints Day. These are a few holidays just around the corner that recognize the dead. But, could something spooky and dead be lurking around YOUR corner too? Could it be…. DEAD BUTT SYNDROME? Dun-Dun-DUUUN!!

What is Dead Butt Syndrome? What causes it? How do I know if my butt is “dead”? Can I prevent it? How do I revive my butt if it is “dead”? So many scary questions for a spooky season. Butt! Never fear. Work Right has your back(side)!
The Curse of Dead Butt Syndrome
Dead Butt Syndrome (DBS), aka Gluteal Amnesia, is when your glute muscles “forget” to activate properly and no longer support your pelvis. Typical symptoms include the following:
- Difficulty walking up stairs
- Numbness or soreness in the buttocks
- Discomfort or stiffness in the lower back, hips, knees, or legs
Why Did My Butt Ghost Me?

DBS usually occurs from sitting for extended periods of time on a regular basis where your glutes do not need to fire and activate. Sit at a desk? Long commute? Or spend lots of time on the couch? Interestingly, people who run a lot are at a higher risk of DBS if they spend too much of their non-running time at a desk. The human body is amazingly efficient – or lazy. Surely, you’ve heard, “Use it or lose it.” When it comes to every area of our bodies, including our butts, it is very true.
Avoiding The Glute Graveyard
When it comes to preventing or reversing DBS, movement is medicine! Our bodies are meant to move and enjoy movement. Even though it may be difficult at first, get moving! Here are some suggestions to get started:
- Set a timer every 45-60 mins to get up and get your body moving. Have a smartwatch? These can be configured to remind you. When you get a reminder:
- Try some quick microstretches – mini squats, lunges, or sit-to-stands with your chair.
- Go fill up your water bottle and do a quick lap around the office (actively squeeze your glutes while walking).
- Head to the restroom, but climb a set of stairs or two on your way there or back.
- If your job allows, try a sit-to-stand desk or a walking desk.
- During a break or lunchtime, take a walk to get moving again, even if it’s for 15 mins. Walking outside not only helps revive a dead butt, but it also helps reset your mental state for the remainder of your day. So walking outside is a double bonus!
Resurrecting Your Rear
Below are some exercise recommendations to revive those glutes, and bring them back from the dead!
- Pelvic tilts (a) for posture resets – this can even be done in your office chair!

- Clam shells with a resistance band
- Squatting with a resistance band
- Monster walks (b) with a resistance band

- Side lying leg lifts
- Hamstring stretch with sciatic nerve mobilization
- Donkey Kickbacks (c), add a resistance band for an extra challenge

Warming up your glutes helps you stay balanced, nimble, and injury-free. Whether you’re lifting, carrying, or hustling through your shift, a quick dynamic warm-up can be your secret weapon. Give those glutes the love they deserve, and they’ll give you the strength to power through the day.

Leeca Baran, MS, LAT, ATC || Leeca has worked as an Injury Prevention Specialist and Athletic Trainer with Work Right NW since 2019. Currently, she works as a full time clinician in Memphis, TN, but was born and raised in the Coal Region of Pennsylvania. She graduated with a Masters of Science degree in Athletic Training from Seton Hall University. Since graduating, she has worked full time in the industrial setting. When Leeca isn’t picking up PRN sports medicine opportunities, you can find her enjoying time with her 5 dogs and 1 cat, or trying a new recipe in the kitchen.
Be sure to check out our other blogs for further injury prevention education and tips for the industrial athlete from Work Right NW!